
Showing posts from May, 2019

Final Update

One Last Hurrah Person crossing finish line ribbon thanks to At last we're finished. We've tied up all of the loose ends. Our main menu has all the written content saying who was on the team, giving special thanks to any places we received code help, and instructions on how to play the game. Our code is all commented. We have text displaying time and score. Prompts for end game conditions and how to restart the game. All of our ducks are lined up in a row.  Unfortunately, it wouldn't be a real project if everything didn't break down at the last minute. Our AI doesn't move around very well. Our coins still refuse to spawn even when we force the spawn at specific coordinates in the game world (usually the very center). Also, suddenly while trying to figure out the AI movement issue some components that have been working since the very beginning, incl...

Week 10 Update

Almost There... Sign saying Finish Line Just Ahead thanks to We're so close we can all taste it. We've gotten the AI to spawn now, but are still having trouble with the coins sadly. We're hoping it shouldn't be too hard to fix, we have gotten multiple AI to spawn by now after all and it shouldn't be too different from the coins. We've smoothed out all the kinks with the AI functions. Although the coins can't spawn yet, I've coded everything else so we're ready when they do. Our timer is working. Our score keeper is working. All of the main menu panel buttons link to the correct panels and the game scene. I've coded the panels for the proper end game conditions. Everything should be ready to go if we can figure out this bug. We have ran into a couple issues when pulling git commits. We've had to merge conflicts almost constantly. F...

Week 9 Update

Spawning Issues Stitch banging head against wall thanks to So we may be having some issues. It ends up that having our maze be randomly generated each time may have not been the best idea. Spawning objects into a game with a static map is insanely easy in Unity, so we never thought this would be an issue. However, it's only easy when the map is static. If your map doesn't generate until after you run the program, then you can't drag and drop objects into the game world unless you're planning on hoping that they just magically end up in the right place on the map, if they even end up on the map at all (the part you're using for your terrain that is). It ends up the reason it was really easy to spawn our main character was because we were able to put that object on the first floor piece that's created, a piece we know will never contain a maze wall. So it's complicated enough spawning objects on...

Week 8 Update

Getting a Second Wind Image of woman sprinting thanks to We turned in our Beta demo with great success. Yay! Our player spawns in the maze correctly. The camera is at the right height (for some odd reason we struggled with our camera being really short for a while). Our collider is the right size for our player. We collide with walls correctly and don't fall through the floor. We can look correctly with the mouse and move with the keys. Looking with the mouse no longer causes errors with our movement (it seemed the camera was moving but the rotation of the player object was not adjusting with it). We did not include the main menu in the demo, but it links to the game correctly. Our next step is to incorporate the VR elements, which Ryan will be in charge of. Zijian will be working on spawning the monsters next and making them move through the maze on their own. I will be working on spawning the coins in the m...

Week 7 Update

On That Beta Grind Nose to the grindstone thanks to Well everyone, we are one week away from our Beta Demo and it's time to get our nose to the grindstone. We won't be making this demo VR compatible just yet as we feel that might be a little too ambitious, but we aim to get most of the components of our game incorporated. Our maze is already built and our main menu is built, although it is not linked to the game scene as of yet. As of now all we need to focus on is the main player mostly. Zijian will be working on spawning the main player into the maze. Ryan will be working on the movement and view of the main player. For now we will be working on the movement and look functions using the mouse and keyboard, but in our next sprint we will be converting these functions to the VR headset and controller. Before we do any of this however, we need to make sure our player...