Week 7 Update

On That Beta Grind

Nose to the grindstone thanks to https://image.shutterstock.com/image-vector/nose-grindstone-retro-clipart-illustration-260nw-115711369.jpg
Well everyone, we are one week away from our Beta Demo and it's time to get our nose to the grindstone. We won't be making this demo VR compatible just yet as we feel that might be a little too ambitious, but we aim to get most of the components of our game incorporated. Our maze is already built and our main menu is built, although it is not linked to the game scene as of yet. As of now all we need to focus on is the main player mostly. Zijian will be working on spawning the main player into the maze. Ryan will be working on the movement and view of the main player. For now we will be working on the movement and look functions using the mouse and keyboard, but in our next sprint we will be converting these functions to the VR headset and controller. Before we do any of this however, we need to make sure our player collides with all the walls properly. The collision aspect as well as linking the main menu buttons to the game scene, will be my focus for the week.

Until Next Time,


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